TRPR is a government affairs, media and fundraising consultancy owned by Tim Richardson. Since leaving Capitol Hill in 1990 Richardson has been fortunate to work for exceptional clients in need of short term or multi-year assistance.

Exxon Valdez
Mississippi River
Deepwater Horizon
Hurricane Laura
Client goals achieved have been the norm in the aftermath of catastrophes like the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon oil spills, or recurring ‘100-year floods’ on the Mississippi, or successively more damaging Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic hurricanes.
Pathways for positive results vary but outcomes include:
Helping 22 clients receive $678 million in conservation land transactions (inflation adjusted @ $1.074 billion).

Funding sources include oil spill restoration funds, hurricane disaster grants, federal and state funding, and private philanthropy while conserving over 650,000 acres of Alaska coastal rainforest and wild salmon habitat, Mississippi River riparian areas as well as Texas' largest coastal marsh.
Preserving 58 million acres of National Forest System roadless areas including the Tongass National Forest through robust campaign advocacy
Assisting with generating two billion impressions of invasive species messaging to outdoor recreators
Establishing the first public land-based fishing and boating trail on the Lower Mississippi and conserving 26,000 acres of riparian and bottomland hardwood habitat in the Middle Miss

Earning print and television awards while helping clients impact local, regional and national audiences and decision-makers
Serving as a board member of the Boreal Songbird Initiative that pioneered vast multimillion-acre swaths of boreal forest conservation with Canada’s First Nations
Facilitating the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Exxon Valdez agreements with Alaska Native corporations that set the record for ‘expansion of National Wildlife Refuge through land and easement purchase’
Teaming with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2003 to promote the 100th anniversary of the National Wildlife Refuge System to outdoor media

Promoting a $112 million conservation easement to preserve Lake Tahoe’s spectacular water quality
Obtaining over $14 million in grants for client projects from major foundations and competitive government sources
Verifying and registering the first forest climate carbon sequestration project in Alaska (1.4 million tons)
Removing bureaucratic holds on wetland mitigation banks in Texas
Shaping National Geographic’s film and print coverage of Kodiak Island conservation
Persuading Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski’s to reverse his veto of an Afognak Island rainforest purchase
Joining Mississippi and inland waterways stakeholders in winning the first veto override by Congress of President George W. Bush
Co-writing the Pew Charitable Trust grant creating the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance helping to shift environmental philanthropy to hunting and fishing organizations, America's 'First Conservationists.'

Ending Interior Secretary Gale Norton’s freeze on National Wildlife Refuge System expansion by successfully transferring a Ducks Unlimited owned wetland tract to the Mark Twain NWR at no cost to the Department of Interior in the Centennial Year of the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Conducting a media campaign in favor of the George H.W. Bush Administration’s cap and trade system to end acid rain pollution in the otherwise pristine Adirondack Mountain lakes, rivers and streams.